Published Date: 2022-10-29 15:41:32 BST
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - global: livestock, epidemiology, 2021-2022, FAO
Archive Number: 20221029.8706436


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Fri 28 Oct 2022
Source: EuFMD (The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease) [edited]


The European Commission for the Control of FMD held an open session/Hybrid event titled "Digitalization and innovation applied to the prevention and control of 'foot-and-mouth and similar transboundary animal diseases' (FAST)", in Marseille, France, on 26-28 Oct 2022. The following data have been extracted from the PowerPoint presentation by the keynote speaker on the opening session, D. King, from The Pirbright Institute, UK:

1. Pool 1*: Increasing dominance of O/ME-SA/Ind-2001e
- Origins in SEA reviewed in
- Multiple introductions from Pool 2 - events started in 2015-2017
- Serotype O data for SEACFMD countries (WRLFMD data): Graphical presentation of the following data:
Among the 4 FMDV-O strains (O/CATHAY, O/SEA/Mya-98, O/ME-SA/PanAsia, O/ME-SA/Ind-2001e) which were circulating in SEA in 2017, the latter (4th) had initially the smallest share, gradually taking over, becoming the only strain recorded during 2021. It has remained the only FMDV lineage in the region during 2022, detected in samples submitted from Mongolia, Thailand and Malaysia.

(*Pool 1: Southeast Asia/Central Asia/East Asia)

2. Pool 2*/3*: O/ME-SA-2018: an emerging lineage?
- New serotype O lineage previously detected in India and Sri Lanka
- Detected in UAE (2021) in small ruminants (sheep and goats)
- Scope to spread more widely -- following patheways for O/ME-SA/Ind-2001 (d and e)
- Vaccine matching for lineage:
According to the table included, the highest matching rates were demonstrated by vaccine strains O-Manisa, O-3039, O-TUR-5/09.

(*Pool 2: South Asia; *Pool 3: West Eurasia and Middle East)

3. Pool 3*: O/ME-SA/PanAsia-2(ANT-10)
- 2021-2022: new clade causing widespread outbreaks in Eastern Mediterranean countries (Jordan, Palestine and Israel)
- Supplanted the O/ME-SA/PanAsia-2(QOM-15) lineage that was previously dominant
- Most closely related to viruses from Pakistan (2021) and UAE (2021)
- Vaccine matching for this specific clade:
Field trials in Jordan and Israel are underway to valuate FMD vaccines against this lineage.

[The regional institutions involved in the said trials are: Jordan - JUST (Jordan University, Irbid); Israel - VSAH/KVI (Veterinary Services & Animal Health/Kimron Veterinary Institute]

(*Pool 3: West Eurasia and Middle East)

4. O/ME-SA/Ind-2001e in Indonesia:
- Previously FMD free (without vaccination) since 1990 (last outbreak in 1986)
- 17.7 million head of cattle
- FMD cases detected on 3 May 2022 (simultaneously in Java and Sumatra)
- By mid June 2022, outbreaks detected in 19 provinces (213 districts) located on 4 main islands (Sumatra, Java, Lombok and Kalimantan), and now Bali and Sulawesi.
- WRLFMD providing support to demonstrate that candidate vaccines generate heterologous responses

5. Pool 6*: O/EA-2 is on the move!
- July 2021: FMD outbreak in cattle located in Zambezi, Namibia
- Further detections in Malawi and Mozambique in 2022
- Represents further spread of the O/EA-2 topotype into Southern Africa
- Together with cases in Zambia (2018-2021), this is the 1st detection of serotype O in Southern Africa for about 20 years -- since FMD cases in South Africa (2000) which had Asian origin
- Impacts on FMD vaccine in Southern Africa?

(*Pool 6: Southern Africa)

6. New risks posed by FMD viruses from South America?
- Published reports of FMD cases in Egypt due to serotypes O and A (during 2022).
- Sequences are authentic and characterised within the O/EURO-SA, A/EURO-SA topotypes with highest nt identity to FMDV sequences from South America (sequences shared with PANAFTOSA, Brazil).
- If these viruses circulate, they will pose a new exotic threat to other countries in the region [see comment].

7. A summary of global headline events: 2021-2022 (map)
- Mongolia/Kazakhstan and Russia, December 2021-January 2022: O/ME-SA/Ind-2001e
- Indonesia, May 2022: O/ME-SA?Ind-2001e
- UAE, samples from 2021: O/ME-SA/SA-2008
- Eastern Mediterranean, December 2021 - ongoing: O/ME-SA/PanAsia-2(ANT-10) - Tunisia/Algeria, January 2022: O/EA-3
- Namibia/Zambia/Malawi/Mozambique, 2021-2022: O/EA-2
- South Africa, New SAT 2 outbreaks in provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Free State
- South Africa, New SAT 3 outbreaks in Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and North-West provinces.

Communicated by:

[A remarkable change in FMD global epidemiology over the period of 2021 to 2022, has been the spread of some strains beyond their traditional endemic pools. Most striking is the rapid and long-range spread of the virus in Indonesia, previously remaining outside the FMD pool system, and the identification, in Egypt, of EURO-South American topotypes.

The following is a peer-reviewed paper addressing the Egyptian event with FMDV O/EURO-SA: Soltan, MA., Mahmoud, MM., Hegazy, Y. et al (2022). Emergence of foot and mouth disease virus, serotype O, Europe-South America topotype in Egypt, 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69, 2409-2411.

The authors indicated that Egypt imports live animals from Brazil, Venezuela, and Columbia to cover its meat demand shortage. The characterized strain was, reportedly, closely related to other strains from Columbia and Venezuela.

In South America, all countries except Venezuela have achieved the status of 'FMD free with vaccination'. - Mod.AS]