Published Date: 2023-04-04 10:44:35 BST
Subject: PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - Indonesia (03): livestock, control
Archive Number: 20230404.8709315


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Mon 3 Apr 2023
Source: Kompass [in Indonesian, machine trans., abridged, edited]

The government has decided to revoke the declared emergency status for foot and mouth disease (FMD), which had spread and attacked livestock, causing numerous sudden deaths.. This was decided at a ministerial-level meeting between the coordinating minister for human development and culture, Muhadjir Effendy, minister of health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, minister of agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, and head of BNPB [National Disaster Management Agency] Suharyanto.

"According to the recommendation of the minister of agriculture, the 'emergency status conditions' for FMD can be terminated, becoming 'certain conditions' since the FMD pandemic [epizootic] is over," Muhadjir said in an online press conference after a ministerial level meeting in Jakarta on Monday (3 Apr 2023).

Even though the emergency status for FMD has been revoked, this disease still requires special requirements. "This means a special situation where, even though it's not a pandemic, it still needs special handling, and this is important for rearranging regulations, especially those related to assignments from BNPB," he said.

Not only that, the government will also compile and form a joint task force to deal with COVID-19 and FMD. This aims to create cost savings.

On the other hand, coordination will become easier. The task force will work until June 2023 and its existence will be reviewed. "It was agreed that the joint task force will continue until June. And later, after June, the urgency will be reviewed. If deemed necessary, it will be continued. Otherwise, it will be terminated," he explained.

For information: FMD started early April 2022. The disease spread to 24 provinces out of a total of 34 provinces throughout Indonesia. The cause of FMD is a virus that damages cell tissue in cloven-hoofed animals. This disease can affect cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, camels, pigs, deer, and other ruminants with split- or even-toed nails. Quoting from the official website of the World Organization of Animal Health (WOAH), this disease is rarely fatal in adult animals, but there is often high mortality in young animals due to myocarditis or, when dams are infected, milk shortage. FMD is characterized by fever and vesicles on the feet, in and around the oral cavity, and on the mammary glands of females. FMD causes production losses. Most of the recovered animals suffer retracted debilitation.

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[The published apparent termination of the major FMD event in Indonesia, reportedly caused by FMD virus O/ME-SA/Ind-2001e, is, locally and for its neighbors, particularly Australia, relieving news. However, it does not mean the outbreak can be internationally perceived as eradicated but, probably, resolved (a term which may mean, also, becoming endemic). To obtain internationally recognised FMD status, countries are expected to follow the stipulations prescribed by the International Animal Health Code. This includes the notification of outbreaks and follow-up reports.

The Indonesian outbreak, which started a year ago and is yet to be notified, was discussed during the regional FMD Situation SEACFMD Joint EpiNet and LabNet virtual meeting of 8 Dec 2022. The meeting's outcome, including maps presenting the spread of the virus in Malaysia and Indonesia, is available on the website of WOAH's Asia and Pacific region (

Indonesia is expected to continue the application of a matching vaccine and maintain a meticulous surveillance in order to maintain absence of new FMD outbreaks.

The establishment of a joint task force to deal with COVID-19 and FMD (which is not zoonotic) combined, reflecting a One Health approach, deserves to be followed with great interest. - Mod.AS

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