Published Date: 2023-02-04 17:14:46 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - Jordan (06): livestock, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230204.8708162


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Fri 3 Feb 2023
Source: OIE-WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database) 2023 [edited]

Jordan - Foot and mouth disease virus
Report type: immediate notification
Started: 8 Dec 2023
Confirmed: 4 Jan 2023
Reported: 2 Feb 2023
Reason for notification: recurrence
Last occurrence: 20 Feb 2022
Causal agent: foot and mouth disease virus
Serotype: O
Detailed characterization: ME-SA PanAsia-2 ANT-10
Nature of diagnosis: clinical, laboratory
This event pertains to the whole country.

Outbreak location 1: Alkhaldiyya, Mafraq
Started: 8 Dec 2022
Epidemiological unit: farm
Total animals affected:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Cattle / 36 000 / 31 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -

Outbreak location 2: Dhlail, Zarqa
Started: 4 Jan 2023
Epidemiological unit: village
Total animals affected:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Cattle / 5600 / 470 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 5600

Outbreak location 3: Jadayyda, Karak
Started: 11 Jan 2023
Epidemiological unit: farm
Total animals affected:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Sheep / 1250 / 20 / 20 / 0 / 0 / 1250

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: unknown or inconclusive

Epidemiological comments: The event started in Alkhaldiyya in Mafraq Governorate in a mixed farm of imported calves and lambs then moved to the adjacent farms of dairy cattle in Dhlail in Zarqa Governorate, more follow-up reports to be submitted.

Control measures at event level
Control measures applied, domestic: official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste, surveillance within the restricted zone, movement control, quarantine, surveillance outside the restricted zone, disinfection, ante- and post-mortem inspections.

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type/ Species / Test / Test date / Result
Animal Wealth Laboratory Department, Ministry of Agriculture / Cattle / Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) / 4 Jan 2023 / positive
Veterinary College research laboratory, Jordan University of Science and Technology/ Cattle / Gene sequencing / 10 Jan 2023 / positive

[The location of the outbreaks can be seen on the interactive map at]

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[The distance between Alkhaldiya, in the Mafraq governorate, where the event reportedly started, in cattle, on 8 Dec 2022, and Dhlail, in the neighboring Zarqa governorate, where the outbreak reportedly started, similarly in cattle, on 4 Jan 2023, is just about 9 km (5.6 mi) (map at Their distance to the 3rd reported outbreak, in Jadayyda (Judayyidah, Judaiyida, Jedeide), Karak governorate, where FMD affected sheep, exceeds 100 km (621 mi). This outbreak reportedly started on 11 Jan 2023.

The source of the imported calves and lambs (both imported? if affirmative, in the same consignment?) is not disclosed. At least, 2 scenarios come to mind: 1. These animals introduced the virus from their original location or from exposure en-route (seaborne or by land?). 2. In case they originated, unvaccinated, in FMD-free country(ies) and remained uninfected upon arrival, they were susceptible to infection by a locally circulating FMD virus, possibly from sheep. - Mod.AS]

Date: Tue 31 Jan 2023
Source: Ammon News [in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

The head of the Al-Dhalil Cows Association, Ali Ghabayen, said on Tuesday [31 Jan 2023] that the number of cows that have died so far is 150 cows and 300 suckling calves since the beginning of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, while the number of infections so far is estimated at about 10 000 among cows and calves.

According to what was quoted by the Kingdom, Ghabayen indicated that the viral disease, foot and mouth disease [FMD], spreads widely in farms, as its prevalence rate among farms reached 95% and within one farm to 100%, and he called on the concerned authorities to take immediate action to stop the spread of the virus.

Last Sunday [29 Jan 2023], the Ministry of Agriculture said that the number of farms that had recorded infections with FMD since the beginning of the outbreak at the end of last year [2022] was about 56. These farms were officially reported infected according to the integrated electronic system for monitoring animal diseases.

The ministry indicated that the number of cows infected with FMD is not classified within the outbreak stage and is within the global natural proportions, as the survey campaign confirmed that no infection of sheep with FMD was recorded. At the time, the ministry confirmed that all cows infected with FMD were in farms in the Al-Dulail area only.

Gabayen said that this disease caused losses to farmers, which led to a decrease in the quantities of milk in the market. Gabayen also pointed out that "the available vaccine does not completely protect cows from the spread of the virus, especially after 50 days have passed since the virus spread and it is still continuing."

Last Sunday [29 Jan 2023], the Ministry of Agriculture said that the sources of the vaccine used by breeders are different, as 4 disease-specific vaccines were registered with the ministry, after completing the technical requirements for the registration of scientific files, and one of them was provided according to its fulfilment of the conditions for referral to the government supply tender.

A total of 4 million doses of vaccine were provided, and more than 4 million heads of sheep, goats and cows were vaccinated through the 1st national campaign for immunization against FMD, which was implemented by the Ministry during the last quarter of 2022 within the programs and projects of the National Plan for Sustainable Agriculture, in order to immunize livestock and raise the level of veterinary services provided.

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[The scenario described by the head of the Al-Dhalil Cows Association, representing owners of more than 60% of Jordan's dairy cattle, is disquieting. The disease seems to have been affecting adult vaccinated cows and killing suckling calves. The calf mortality is a known phenomenon; the current lambing season may show mass mortalities in young lambs as well. However, the disease, and mortality exceeding 3%, in adult cows, already reflected by affected milk supply, may indicate vaccine inefficacy. - Mod.AS]

Date: Thu 2 Feb 2023
Source: Ammon News in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

The minister of agriculture, Engineer Khaled Al-Hanifat, said that the work of the central follow-up room will be expanded in the Al-Dalil area to deal with foot and mouth disease, in coordination with the cattle associations.

This came during a meeting held today, Thursday [2 Feb 2023], with the participation of the Cattle Breeders Coalition, the Cattle Breeders Association, Dr Muhammad Khalifa, professor of Immunology at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Science and Technology, and officers specialized in the livestock sector in the ministry.

During the meeting, a number of recommendations were made, such as:
1. preventing the entry and exit of animals from the infection area, in order to limit the areas of infection and dry up the sources of disease transmission;
2. forming a specialized committee to limit the damage to farmers in coordination with the associations and continuing to provide the associations with sterilization materials, vitamins and nutritional supplements, and
3. launching a hotline to provide information from a single source, facilitating the flow of information on infections and educating farmers about the importance of giving the booster dose to uninfected farms.

Al-Hanifat stressed that the disease is endemic in a large number of countries in Africa, passing through the Middle East and ending with India, and that it is not contagious to humans and does not affect the safety of animal products such as milk and meat. He referred to the national vaccination campaign carried out by the ministry, which covered up to 3.6 million heads of sheep and cows, while proceeding towards giving a 2nd dose of the vaccine next April [2023], according to the recommendations of the World Organization for Animal Health.

For his part, the head of the Cattle Breeders Association, Ali Ghabayen, stated that the associations will coordinate with the ministry on all details and partnership in implementing the recommendations of the meeting, appreciating the cooperation and follow-up of the ministry that has reached the implementation of the outputs of the meeting and field coordination through the central follow-up room.

In addition, the head of the Cow Breeders' Coalition, Laith Al-Hajj, pointed out the importance of having a central follow-up room and unifying efforts from the specialized officers of the Ministry along with the associations and giving the booster vaccine and vital quarantine that will help in besieging the disease and creating immunity.

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[On 3 Feb 2023, Jordan's neighbour, Iraq, informed the WOAH (follow-up report 3, to be posted separately) that its FMD outbreak, which reportedly started 3 Jan 2023, has been confirmed on 2 Feb 2023 by the Pirbright laboratory as caused by FMDV serotype SAT-2, and that gene sequencing has been performed.

The said information from Iraq deserves alertness, regionally and beyond. Notably, the Iraqi event was initially reported from the region of the Kurdish triangular (Turkey, Syria, Iraq). Details of the genotype and vaccine matching tests are required urgently.

In spite of the remarkable effort by Jordan's veterinary authorities to control last year's (2022) FMD event, caused by FMDV O/ME-SA/PanAsia-2/ANT-10, and to try prevent its recurrence, the epizootic is continuing its spread. The news from Iraq will should allow Jordan to rapidly adapt its current policy to the new situation. In the meantime, severe biosecurity measures are warranted. - Mod.AS

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