Published Date: 2023-02-18 15:09:14 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Jordan (11): cattle, st SAT-2, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230218.8708464


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Thu 16 Feb 2023
Source: OIE-WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database) 2023 [edited]

Jordan - Foot-and-mouth disease virus
Report type: Immediate notification
Started: 26 Jan 2023
Confirmed: 2 Feb 2023
Reported: 16 Feb 2023
Reason for notification: New strain in the country
Causal agent: Foot-and-mouth disease virus
Serotype: SAT 2
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, laboratory
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country.

Outbreak location: Dhlail, Zarqa
Started: 26 Jan 2023
Epidemiological unit: Village [cluster]
Total animals affected:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Cattle / 2442 / 2342 / 87 / 0 / 0 / 0

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: Unknown or inconclusive

Control measures at event level
Control measures applied, domestic: Zoning, vaccination in response to the outbreak(s), surveillance within the restricted zone, surveillance outside the restricted zone, movement control, quarantine, disinfection
Control measures applied, different from event level: Vaccination in response to the outbreak(s), ante- and post-mortem inspections

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type / Species / Test / Test date / Result
Veterinary College research laboratory, Jordan University of Science and Technology / Cattle / Gene sequencing / 6 Feb 2023 / Positive

[The location of the outbreak can be seen on the interactive map at]

Communicated by:

[The foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) SAT-2 event reported in the above immediate notification had started in Jordan at the latest in early January 2023. According to Jordan's media of 8 Jan 2023, dairy cattle breeders in the Al-Dulail (Dhlail) area, Zarqa governorate, complained about FMD seriously affecting their cattle, including mortality, despite being vaccinated earlier (20230110.8707716). The vaccine was supposed to protect against FMD virus serotype O, a virus which reportedly had been circulating in Jordan since December 2021. The breeders called on the concerned authorities to open an investigation to find out the reasons for the increase in infections among their herds despite receiving the vaccinations. Eventually, the current disease in Dhlail, which is Jordan's main dairy cattle center, has been found to be caused by a newly introduced exotic FMD strain, serotyped SAT-2. A similar strain has been recently circulating in Iraq. Consequently, the Ministry of Agriculture published, through Jordan's News Agency (Petra), on 5 Feb 2023 that the results of the FMD virus analysis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/University of Science and Technology, Irbid, revealed the emergence of a new strain of the virus called SAT-2, "which was not previously registered in Jordan." The ministry added in a statement that this strain was registered in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Ethiopia, indicating that "the results of the analysis, conducted by Dr. Mustafa Ababneh (Associate Professor of Veterinary Virology), were verified by Pirbright" (

The genotyping results of the Jordanian and Iraqi strains are expected to assist the studies into the virus source, its national and transboundary spread routes, and choice of the matching vaccine(s). Ideally, its species affinity (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig) will be studied as well.

So far, the SAT-2 strain in Jordan seems to be restricted to the Dhlail region. According to available information, its spread in Iraq is wider, with water buffalos and cattle seriously affected. According to Petra News Agency, on 15 Feb 2023 Jordan's Ag Ministry decided to continue the precautionary measures in the vicinity of the epicenter of infection, addressing the Ministry of Local Administration to instruct the opening of livestock markets in the southern governorates (Karak, Tafila, Maan, Aqaba) from Friday, 17 Feb 2023. - Mod.AS

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