Published Date: 2016-10-21 09:28:38
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Russia (02): (VL) bovine, st Asia 1, new strain, OIE
Archive Number: 20161021.4574783
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Thu 20 Oct 2016
OIE Alert on
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[This immediate notification complements the information published in ProMED posting 20161020.4574060. - Mod.CRD
Vladimir oblast is situated within Russia's zone recognized by the OIE as free of FMD without vaccination. An updated (May 2016) map is available at
According to the information available, the outbreak described involves a commercial dairy farm of about 800 animals (including about 400 milking cows), of which about 100 (age not given) already showed clinical signs on Sat 15 Oct 2016 (media) or Sun 16 Oct 2016 (OIE report). This may be indicative of the (FMDV Asia 1) virus circulating in the establishment since, at the latest, 10 Oct 2016, most probably earlier. The age of the oldest FMD lesions on the farm and the source of the pathogen's introduction (infected animal/contaminated feed/airborne/contaminated articles/other, including malpractice) are the factors needed for the establishment of the event's timeline, a piece of information essential for the effective handling of the event.
Shedding of the virus may start prior to the appearance of clinical signs. During the time which elapsed between its initial shedding and its identification, the virus could have been (mechanically) spread by all visiting the place, such as laborers, vet(s), feed suppliers, milk transporters, inseminators, casual visitors, etc. This, on top of the possibility that animals have been moved from the farm to other destinations such as other farms, markets, slaughterhouses, etc., as well as to airborne spread. Investigating the above and tracing back all direct and indirect contacts is a considerable undertaking on the hands of the authorities. Hopefully all necessary means will become available and measures immediately applied to save the highly susceptible, unvaccinated livestock of Vladimir and beyond. Luck may, hopefully, play its own share. - Mod.AS
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